Homeopathy was founded by German Physican Dr Samuel Hahnemann in the late 18th century. It is a treatment modality founded on the law of “Like Cures Like”, which means a substance that can cause symptoms in a healthy person can cure those same symptoms in a sick person. Homeopathic medicines are made from plant, mineral, animal and chemical sources. These medicines are manufactured through the process of potentisation which involves trituration of the medicinal source in lactose and / or serial dilutions in distilled water or ethanol followed by vigorous succussion or shaking. When a homeopathic medicine is administered, it stimulates an individual’s inner healing mechanisms, thereby returning the patient to a healthy disease-free state.
Biopuncture is a therapy which involves the injection of sterile biologic homeopathic products into specific locations of the body to stimulate the self-healing mechanisms of your body. A small amount of the homeopathic product is injected under your skin, into your muscle or tendon depending on the condition being treated. Many different acute and chronic conditions can be treated using biopuncture.
Complementary and alternative medicine is used to describe all diverse medical and health care systems, products, and practices, which are not included in the predominant health care system. Examples of complementary medicines are Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Ayurveda, Phytotherapy, Unani Tibb and Traditional Chinese medicine.
During a homeopathic consultation, the practitioner will take a thorough case history, which includes all aspects of a patient’s condition and general wellbeing, taking note of objective pathological symptoms to come to a diagnosis, while also asking open-ended questions to elicit subjective symptoms and experiences from the patient.
The homeopathic practitioner often takes an empathetic, equal, and collaborative approach to treatment ensuring their patients feel listened to, become educated about their health and are given adequate time to discuss their problems. The practitioner will take note of two types of symptoms: i) symptoms that are characteristic of a disease and assist the diagnosis, and ii) symptoms that are peculiar or unique to a patient in order to find the best suited treatment for the case.
After the case taking, a physical examination is conducted to assist the diagnosis and prescription. All the information obtained from the case taking and physical examination is used to prescribe the correct medicine.
Homeopathy can treat a multitude of different conditions, if you are unsure whether your condition can be treated by a homeopath contact us to find out.